A large number of new companies have recently joined the Indian market's electric vehicle sector.

TVS company's electric scooter has a 3.34 kwh lithium ion battery pack, allowing it to travel 100 km between charges

TVS offers more than 118 intelligent connectivity features in their electric scooters. which no other company's electric scooters will contain.

Regarding the electric scooter's battery, TVS has included a 3.34 kWh lithium battery to the device.

Vehicles powered by petrol and diesel have a limited range of 50 to 60 km at Rs 100.

This electric scooter costs ₹100 and has a maximum mileage of 560 kilometres

This electric scooter can reach 100% capacity in roughly 4 to 5 hours, with the option for faster charging.

With a ₹17,000 EMPS subsidy and a ₹10,000 state subsidy, the starting cost of an electric scooter in India is approximately ₹146,000.